pisces jealnet. She styled her hair so it had white fringes. pisces jealnet

 She styled her hair so it had white fringespisces jealnet  After

And you think you know what I am. rules: please send your submissions in the askbox and include all of the following: the character’s name (of course); what media the character is from; their pronouns (so i know how to write the blurb) Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. He would later meet and befriend Pisces. In 6. She is a Soldier Antinium and was one of two survivors of one of the. Chapter 7. Leveled at least once from the Face Eater moth attack. Obviously. TBA. The Wandering Inn is the name of Erin's inn. . Orthenon is the Steward of Flos, the King of Destruction. Chapter 6. Estimated threat level: Level 26 [Necromancer]. ( * = First Appearance) Free Antinium Birthers - Specialized Antinium * New Workers and Soldiers (x98 - Newly Born) * Butcher-Worker Archer-Worker Free Queen (Mental. Djinn are composed of magic. He has a faded green plummage going grey. Blind vessels from which roiling filaments searched, little tendrils of squirming malevolence within the sclera, peeking left and right. Pisces season 2022 is sprinkling its Neptunian magic beginning on Feb. ( * = First Appearance) Ceria Springwalker Irurx. He is 30 feet tall. Chapter 9. Vuliel Drae is a Silver-Ranked team of Adventurers. She styled her hair so it had white fringes. SummaryPerril Chandler, mostly known to all as Az’kerash or simply as The Necromancer, is a highly skilled Necromancer, as he isn't just able to control zombies or skeletons but create far darker armies, such as Draugr, advanced and incredibly powerful zombies, Wraiths, Wights and Bone Giants. To effect a faster. She studied magic under the Wyrm, Rhisveri, and the other immortals of Ailendamus. This category is reserved for fanart that pictures Gnolls (including Raskghar), and for categories of fanart picturing specific Gnolls. The. 25 is the 36th chapter of Volume 9. He's also unevenly taller on his left side than his right due to mismatched legs. She was born from an agreement between the Ekhtouch and Silverfang, after the previous Meeting of Tribes. Having been created by Perril Chandler, she thinks the world of him. Ivery is an Undead Skeleton Lord made by Pisces Jealnet. Once becoming a Hobgoblin his height is taller than an average human. 35 R Chapter 1. Pisces Jealnet. After becoming a Hob, he has grown a little bit taller but still remains the shortest Hob in the Flooded Waters Tribe. But you will die for this, intruders. With the help of her magical items, Mars is capable of casting an illusion over her body, resulting in a drastic change of appearance. They have. Some species, like humans, flourish on all. At the. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS FeedChapter 9. Part of his mind accessed the relevant information smoothly. 01 Chapter 6. He is estimated to be about six foot seven, without even counting the horns, making him fairly tall for a Minotaur and weights 300 pounds. But when she did, she couldn’t get enough. 78 F. But she kept reading. The H stands for Horns of Hammerad. Her father is from the Ekhtouch Tribe. Calruz's body can be. If there was any Human who could take a Drake’s ridges without Skills, it was the sex-crazed Human of Liscor. Perhaps they were lighter today. The [World's Eye Theatre] is an original Room Skill created by Erin Solstice. What power. They act as guardians and officiators for the Gnoll Tribes. Zevara is strict, and takes her job seriously. (Wistram Days Pt. . She is tall, has a scar on the left side of her face, has light blue scales, and either yellow or light purple eyes. 2) is the 20th chapter of Volume 8. 09 Chapter 1. Pirateaba is also the author of The Last Tide, The Singer of Terandria, The Last Turn, creator of Pirate's blog, and several unpublished stories. Formerly Garen Redfang's second-in-command, he now serves as Rags' second in the Flooded Waters Tribe. He is growing bald and dyes his hair. Part 4 of Ice's anonymous TWI stories; Language. He changes the color of his mane some years, and had a silver mane in his first. Madain likes hunting above all else, and does so during. 31 Chapter 1. 05-1. The Four Companies of Baleros, also know as the Four Great Companies, are the biggest and most powerful mercenary groups on Baleros. Then he pulled out his knife, and a shock of fear pulsed through Pisces. Long ago, they slew the. The [Mages] who had perished trying Cognita’s ‘test’. 9) _ TBA From Chapter 8. 5 [Death Magic Proficiency] [Delay Hunger] [Lesser Resistance: Death] [Animate Vermin]Celum is a human city, located in Izril. 22 votes, 18 comments. Foliana looks like a squirrel but has five times the (disputed) height of Niers, which makes her between 2 feet and 6 feet tall. He was breathing hard. Raelt Leysars, also known as the King of Duels and the Duelist King, is the former King of Jecrass. While Ilvriss was initially frustrated with her antics and her continued lack of respect, he ultimately grew to appreciate it, gaining unfiltered views of someone who he. 40 Advanced From [Sailing Admiral] [Crew (Aspect): Devils of. 38 [Bound Skill: My Arrow Shall Not Stop] [Bound Skill: Royal Command — Fourfold Volley] [Doubled Volley] [Giant’s Arrow] (Can only fire 5 per day) [Overpowering Shot] [Ten League Mark] Bow of Avel Arrow of a Thousand Leagues While he appeared for the first time in. [1] After he apologized to her by offering her some gifts, and they talked a few times, Erin. Tunnels are idiotic. Toren is an Undead Skeleton created by Pisces in order to aid Erin. She had grey-green feathers, and a cracked beak. Merr has a boisterous and snarky personality. I am perfectly clean. Chesacre is an a Antinium Soldier, a Painted Antinium, and one of two [Acolytes] serving under Pawn. He had red tattoos. 5th chapter of Volume 9, written as for fun chapter by pirateaba. No coloring for n. Pisces Jealnet, Level 38 [Deathbane Necromancer]. Pisces Jealnet, [Necromancer]. They also have an extensive network of. There was nothing either could do, in a real sense, that would matter. The malice, the pure malice in the writing made her put it down after a second. 1. Taletevirion has a long, straight horn at the center of his forehead, a white coat, and a shimmering mane of hair. Invictel is enclosed in a shell of stone and metal, with the only openings used to jettison steam or smoke from its forges, and windows into the outside. 59 is the 80th chapter of Volume 7. . He wears a doublet of red and gold cloth. Chapter 8. Redscar was a normal-sized Goblin with a scar over his face. The Grand Design of Isthekenous (abbreviated to Grand Design), also known as the System, is a working of the Gods that governs Innworld and Kasignel. 43 Chapter 5. The group then. 06: a5 The Day of Erin meeting Pisces. ( * = First Appearance) Relc Grasstongue Ryoka Griffin Mrsha Erin Solstice Lyonette du Marquin Embria Grasstongue Halrac Everam Revi Ceria Springwalker Ksmvr Yvlon Byres Pisces Jealnet Typhenous Briganda Cade Hedault (Mentioned) Jelaqua Ivirith. Crypt Lords are Undead who have the ability to command lesser undead, such as zombies, skeletons, and ghouls. Chapter 7. 35 R Chapter 1. First meeting with Relc and Klbkch. 38 Chapter 1. Deríthal-Vel, commonly called Dwarfhome, is the Mountain Kingdom of the Dwarves. After all, it had flowed like this before. For Inntober day 2: Adventurer (Spoilers up through 9. TW: Flashbacks of. Teriarch flies to meet Rhisveri. It takes place in the Great Plains. Touma the Great is an Antinium Soldier of the Free Antinium, and has the [Martial Artist] Class. Ceria crafts an [Ice Shard] during her lesson in Magical Foundations with Rievan Forstrom, a human mage, but he admonishes it's construction and has her start again. A Pisces guy can express his jealousy in a variety of ways, one of which is through passive-aggressive behaviors. These five were the longest and most dedicated Horns, each of them had also spent the years before in other adventuring groups. Pisces Jealnet had two minor cuts on his leg and chest. ) Series. He was once hazed by having his shoes stolen when he took them off to take a nap after two days on the road. Iratze is perceptive, being able to analyze a fighter's style. Still, their. 58 PFH is the 71st chapter of Volume 8. Patch Notes and Special Sites Updated - Official Community Site The Lodestone Update Notes Updated -. 49. Innworld is inhabited by many races of sentient species. Caleis Berkesson is a Named Adventurer of Northern Izril. As a still nameless and unpainted Soldier, he and all other Antinium listen to Bird speech on how he was going after Mrsha to rescue her, even while knowing that leaving Liscor to go south in the lands of the Drakes and Gnolls, were Antinium are not allowed. The representative of the water sign looks so vulnerable that any person will be happy to help her. Whatever shape they once had before they were reanimated, it had been twisted by rot and decay. He's taller than most stallions and his form is compact, evoking a duelist build. He wears a suit, doublet, and gloves. he’s a weirdo. This page shows fanart drawn by by pkay. Kerash is an Undead Draugr Gnoll, and Az’kerash's 1st Chosen. “The nuance is hard to grasp as I was not there for the incident, but I gather that while Pisces Jealnet and Ceria Springwalker were exiled, Cognita granted them the authority to call themselves graduates. 42 Chapter 1. It was the only place to really stare out at the landscape aside from your window or the roof, and he was fairly sure the occupants of the third floor would hear him walking about. Eldavin frees Cognita after fighting her in Zelkyr's test. He was bald. He has a 10-foot tall humanoid armored body coated in a bronze-steel alloy. Merrik originates from Deríthal-Vel and has done mercenary work in the surrounding nations. And you think you know what I am. She was proud of being a [Pickpocket], and objected to. Chapter 7. Additionally, it was discovered that he levelled once. She is a short, old woman with black skin, bright blue eyes and her hair streaked with gray. As a [Druid] specialize in spiders, she has, among others, shape-changers Skills that allow her to spin silk when she wills it, and climb even the tallest trees. When he raised his arm and stared at his rapier, he still felt the memory of chains. More important meetings happen between Erin and people from the Meeting of the Tribes and between Rags and Fierre Erin is the final boss of a chess tournament involving all of the most powerful chess minds in Innworld The chapter opens with Erin and Rags emerging from the garden, and. Even Pisces Jealnet himself might have hesitated when faced with this revelation. 20 (+2) Advanced. He paused, and the words came haltingly, painfully, not like his usual, sophisticated drawl. Alive. Then together with her, they went back to her family, established their own branch of [Knights] and. Like most String People, the Emperor of Sands can freely change his/her appearance by switching their body parts. You can compare the changes from the old vs new chapters using the mapping at inndex. Chapter 9. Roshal is mainly known as the polity backing the Slavers of Roshal. Why, even that Gold-rank adventurer, Pisces Jealnet, is just a talented hedge-[Necromancer]. Czautha and Silvenia teleport to Chandrar and rampage across the continent, smashing caravans and freeing [Slaves], including Pisces Jealnet. 31 Chapter 1. He looks like the word "burly" was invented for him. 42 is the 53rd chapter of Volume 8. Falene is tall, glamorous, the picture of what half-Elves aspire to be—in a cliché way, with unearthly features and light red hair. In her Warform she has six arms, four huge eyes with multiple pupils, and a burning ring of light. 18 H is the 23rd chapter of Volume 8. 15 = First Appearance; Name Not Known Chapter 5. Invictel is located in the deep north of Baleros, where it is freezing year-round. Prior to becoming a writer full-time,. Following his freedom from slavery thanks to the Death of Chains,. In 6. 37 HO is the 51st chapter of Volume 9. He is tall, gaunt, and has a long mustache. Izril, also known as Issrysil, Dragonlands and the Unconquered, is a continent of Innworld. ( * = First Appearance) Cara O'Sullivan Teriarch (As Eldavin) Chaldion Oliwing Feor Flos. Invictel is a major forge-city in Baleros and the capital city of the Iron Vanguard. Current character from "The Wandering Inn": Pisces Jealnet. She was a patient teacher who used her class in as non-violent a manner as possible. His white robe would have shown more blood if it hadn’t been enchanted against stains. Pisces Jealnet. 57 H; Chapter 8. Mostly the. ) Series. Xil is a [Peerless Spearmaster], and one of the masters of Pomle. “I hardly see the need to overreact, Montressa. Then it caught in the mind, like a burr to the imagination. Ryoka tries to. ) Series. Magnolia's Pink Carriage (Destroyed) Moving Cities Moving Rooms - Room compressed into an oversized wagon that could be ported about. 38 Chapter 1. Yet both stories, both tales…had their scope, and reach. Pegasi are a near-extinct species of magical winged horses. 51 Z. He has rubbery skin on his Eel-side and sports a beard. He might give you. Soon after, the Watch led by Zevara, and the Halfseekers join the fray, but Erin uses her [Loud Voice] and [Inn's Aura] to get everyone to stop fighting. As a still nameless and unpainted Soldier, he and all other Antinium listen to Bird speech on how he was going after Mrsha to rescue her, even while knowing that leaving Liscor to go south in the lands of the Drakes and Gnolls, were Antinium are not allowed. Months later Olesm went back into the ruins with Pisces, to search for Calruz' remains. 22 votes, 18 comments. ( * = First Appearance) Mrsha Nanette Weishart Relc Grasstongue Klbkch Numbtongue Reagen Erin Solstice Ulvama Normen Callesn Teriarch Rafaema Manusara Coloseuvia Chaldion Oliwing Grand Design of Isthekenous Kasigna Rittane Dorkel Thelican ? - Nerrhavia's Fallen. Kerash is Gnoll Draugr with glowing blue eyes, equipped with a massive battleaxe, faded silver armor, and a circlet that shines in the moonlight. TBA From Interlude - 4 _ TBA From Chapter 7. Volume 8 has a Word Count of around: 2,785,650. 5) + Solstice (Pt. They refused casual talk. 3 unknown Spells related to Plants or Earth Magic. 22 D + Solstice (Pt. . 16 Chapter 1. Volume 1 Rewrite stubs. 21 Chapter 1. For Inntober day 2: Adventurer (Spoilers up through 9. 42 Chapter 1. A merry Gnoll was marching them all forwards. The F stands for Fetohep. Maughin. Erin creates the Healing Slime. Pirateaba's name comes from the character Pirate from Pirate's blog. It is located on a hill in the Floodplains, next to Liscor. 13 is the 18th chapter of Volume 9. Magic. Chapter 7. ↑ Chapter 9. It was the only place to really stare out at the landscape aside from your window or the roof, and he was fairly sure the occupants of the third floor would hear him walking about. Satar Silverfang is a Gnoll, and one of the two children of Akrisa's, the Chieftain of the Silverfang Tribe. ” “It is the principle of the thing. After becoming a Hob, he has grown a little bit taller but still remains the shortest Hob in the Flooded Waters. Zel vs Ilvriss by AKNtheArtist, commissioned by Ayutac. But she kept reading. 83;. But I must point out that, despite the braggadocious nature of the statements, we did abandon our causes and fight for our very lives in a war for the inn or the people within. As the Frost Faeries learned that Erin was from Earth and could see and speak with them, they professed to knowing her world. Chapter Text. 00 is the 1st chapter of Volume 8. He's lost sixty pounds since levelling up as a [Hero]. His brown hair is dyed red. Volume 9. The group was originally formed by Calruz, Ceria and Gerial, two years before the events of Volume 1. Tomoor d’Silaw is a Human, a [Fencing Instructor] with a silver bell, and a Silver-rank Adventurer. Pisces Jealnet; Ceria Springwalker; Silent Queen; Belgrade - Character; Bird (The Wandering Inn) Salkis Blackwing; Numbtongue (The Wandering Inn) First Crafter of Elbe. [Like a Lion, He Leapt] [The Scythe Cut Low Across the Grass] While he appeared for the first time in Chapter 8. Mars, also known as Mars the Illusionist, is one of the Seven, and the Vanguard of Flos. He demanded perfect understanding. His is quick to anger. 2) Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Deríthal-Vel, commonly called Dwarfhome, is the Mountain Kingdom of the Dwarves. She realizes that Palt is. It contains information that are either missing or obsolete because of the newly released Volume 1 Rewrite. 37 HO is the 51st chapter of Volume 9. Illphres is a tall, older woman with slightly graying dark hair and an apparently smooth and flawless face, but she actually wears a mask of ice made by her magic to hide her flesh, which has been damaged by frostbite due to Ice Magic. Pisces Jealnet, son of Padurn Jealnet. He has green skin and crimson eyes. The Horns are collecting their loot and do an after-battle analysis. In the aftermath of the fight against the crelers, Ceria's eyes turned winter-pale, mixed. It is led by Foliana the Three-Color Stalker. Ivolethe feels that it was going to be an. This is the category for articles that was tagged using { {Stub Rewrite}} . Rags is small and short, even by Goblin standards. 07 - 1. The two names the continent is called are used by different groups: Issrysil is the name used by Drakes, while Izril has seemingly been adopted by the other races, likely due to the difficulty of pronouncing the. He tossed it down onto the street. Invictel is enclosed in a shell of stone and metal, with the only openings used to jettison steam or smoke from its forges, and windows into the outside. Dioname is a extremely resolute person, who is loyal to Ailendamus's cause. Padurn and his family are in service to House Dultel. Only Anith knows what their team name means. Part of his mind accessed the relevant information smoothly. The seal of Roshal is a market city intertwined with lowers, coins, a horse and other goods, with the flowers resembling chains draping the city on closer inspection. Chapter 9. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Located in Terandria, Deríthal-Vel is currently the only Dwarf city after the fall of their other settlements in Innworld. On the way back to the Wandering Inn, they are accosted by a diverse group of foreign mages that identify Pisces. 18 H. He is tall, gaunt, and has a long mustache. 07 and Chapter 5. . Don’t panic if you are around one and he or she doesn’t talk too much. His teeth were pointy and sharp, and he had two rows, like a shark. The L stands for Linu and the S stands for Silvenia. As with any wandering inn event, the beginning is chaotic. I cast [Cleanse] every night and morning. Not tall by Gnoll standards, she has white stripes mixed with russet fur, and that normal pattern of Gnoll fur was changed again by colorful patterns of yellow, blue, and even hints of green or purple paint. Redscar was a normal-sized Goblin with a scar over his face. She has her name written on the front of her body. Eventually, his class changed which. The flames in his eye sockets were originally blue, but after assimilating some of the magic in the [Terror] gemstone. Fetohep meets the [Innkeeper] Quarass and they have a wake for the previous Khelt monarchs. Itreimedes is the current [King] of Avel, the Kingdom of Bows. He would later meet and befriend Pisces. 3) [Spitfire Crusader] Lv. Despite The. He fought Cilewalkers during the Zavaral. Language: English Words: 44,283 Chapters: 8/? Comments: 3 Kudos: 16 Bookmarks: 7. During battle or war, he wears a leather, that is form-fitting and enchanted and a single-edged sword at his belt. The opening of one of Wistram’s. Ksmvr/Pisces Jealnet; Ksmvr (The Wandering Inn) Pisces Jealnet; Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Animal Shelter; First Meetings; Cringetober; October Prompt Challenge; Rare Pairings; i guess it's technically also a modern au but ksmvr is still an antinium. Volume 9. Larracel Delais, also known as Larracel the Haven, is a former Named-rank [Wizard]. sTUPid DEKass. Viri Taxshirul is a Lizardman member of the Stone Gaze company, and was in one of Rhir's irregular armies. He wears dark, somber clothing, with an edge of faded gold. He is willing to share Earth concepts such as his fighting style and betting on matches, although some of his ideas can be somewhat absurd. He took a seat at a free table and demanded food like nothing happened. Knight was an Individual Worker Antinium. The. He is a Stitch Man of the Cotton-caste, but with noticeable ‘improvements’ from different fabrics like silk, and has one hand made of Watercloth fabric, which makes it permanently slick with water. Ryoka Griffin. He had red tattoos. In the former study of Warmage Thresk, they find the sooty gold. The Day of Erin finding the river and the poisonous fish. 27,5 LS is the 38. Herove Canidus is a rising City Runner. But Az’kerash had discovered that was actually part of a larger event that had taken place at this time. Erin Solstice. He has distinctive red tattoos that mark his. Tekshia Shivertail is Selys' grandmother, a retired Gold-rank adventurer and the Guildmistress of Liscor’s Adventuring Guild. Pisces season 2022 is sprinkling its Neptunian magic beginning on Feb. She is the Goddess of War, Youth, and Last Stands. A petty one, so Wistram is clearly biased, but they have legal right to pursue him, if not for the charges involving accidental slaughter, and false claims to being a Wistram [Mage] which I. It was a strange thing they saw. [Fencer] Lv. Chapter 9. 3 Skills and 1 Spell Revealed. They were very supporting, as Erin had claimed. During battle or war, he wears a leather, that is form-fitting and enchanted and a single-edged sword at his belt. Erin and a group go to Riverfarm. “[Necromancer]. Erin meets more of the Adventurer's Haven's name ranked adventurers and Mrsha attends school. Kerash is an Undead Draugr Gnoll, and Az’kerash's 1st Chosen. That she had learned 4 new Spells under Tier 2, but that she had forgotten 1 of them, thus making them 3. Bearig is a String-Man [Cook] who was made into a [Slave]. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. 53 Chapter 1. 19 H is the 24th chapter of Volume 8. ( * = First Appearance) Ceria Springwalker Ksmvr Yvlon Byres Pisces Jealnet Colthei / Colth Gireulashia Ekhtouch / Gire Shedrkh ? - Soliest Yerr's [Shaman] * Theikha Akrisa Silverfang Adetr Steelfur Rose Deskie Feshi Weatherfur ? - Drake waystation [Innkeeper] * Roshal’s [Slavers] (x60 - All Deceased) Toriernd (Deceased) * Stich-folk [Slaves. Charles de Trevalier is Human noble and scion of the Trevalier house. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed Chapter 9. Erin meets more of the Adventurer's Haven's name ranked adventurers and Mrsha attends school. Official Community Site The Lodestone Update Notes Updated -. She was proud of being a [Pickpocket], and objected to being called a [Thief], as it was a less. He wears dark, somber clothing, with an edge of faded gold. Interlude – Pisces (Revised) Trigger Warning: This chapter contains numerous examples of sexual and physical assault, slavery, and various forms of torture as well as suicidal ideation. The Horns give up on getting help from the Healer of Tenbault. Level 3 [Slave]. Pisces had been shocked at first but calmed down quickly. He demanded perfect understanding. Pawn gives a sermon to the Painted Antinium and uses a miracle to [Create Bread]. She complains frequently and tends to be blunt in her manner. Padurn and his family are in service to House Dultel. Erin is escorted back to her. GEt oFf ME. Foliana's fur is greying and she looks unobtrusive, except her eyes, which are made. His physical appearance differs from before he arrived in Izril. He possesses glowing eyes and a long neck. She has long bright red hair, hanging in a loose ponytail and bright pale saffron-topaz pupils eyes. Pisces Jealnet; Ceria Springwalker; Ksmvr (The Wandering Inn) Bandits & Outlaws; Canon-Typical Violence; Crime only pays if you’re an adventurer; written for the sake of a meme; no beta we die like mooks; Inntober; Summary. 19 Chapter 7. 59 is the 80th chapter of Volume 7. To get started, you can read for free on the website, read the e-books on Kindle, or listen to the audiobooks via Audible. [Flagstone Farland Commander] Lv. Pisces Jealnet was up before the sun began to chase the moons into the distance. Dioname has silver hair, slight wrinkles on her face, and signs of fraying on her skin. Ama was part of the same Necromancer cabal in Terandria, as Gewilena, Pisces, and Feren. Official Community Site The Lodestone Update Notes Updated -. Known body parts replaced: right hand, arm, both legs, ear, eye. A Necromancer is a Mage Class specialized in death magic. 21 [Zweihander Chop] Zweihander Sword Tin flute (To Crusader 51) “oFF. He had pointy ears and a rather lengthy, pointed nose. He wears faded expensive, enchanted robes that are worn. Thivian Stormless, known as The Lightning Thief, was a Named adventurer and a world-famous thief. Wrymvr is the only living. 2) is the second part of the side story of Wistram Days. The room, including the Wandering Inn's common room, is about two hundred feet long, a third smaller than the [Grand Theatre]. She has pink-and-yellow scales, as a pattern running from the violet frills around her neck to her long tail. Igheriz changed her appearance from that of a Lizardwoman into something closer to Stringfolk by sewing string into her body, mimicking the seams of Stitchfolk around her joints. The Forgotten Wing Company is a mercenary group and one of The Four Great Companies of Baleros. The members of Ullsinoi often partake in trickery and pranks, but still act in ways that they see as beneficial for Wistram. He was hired by Ailendamus to kill the nobility of Afiele, a province in the Kingdom of Noelictus. She revealed that her [Wounded Warrior] Class is Level 28. He looks more like a bear himself. [King of Bows] Lv. They’re all somewhat. Pisces Jealnet; Olesm Swifttail; Jeiss; Selys Shivertail; Liska Silverfang; Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot; Out of character Erin; Summary "Erin Solstice didn’t want much in life. The reason for that is that these zombies. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Pisces Jealnet had two minor cuts on his leg and chest.